I believe we have been able to tell all of you this by now, but in case we accidentally missed anyone, Kent and I are expecting!!! That's right, we're going to have a baby. Our due date is March 30, 2007. We are super excited about this new addition that will be coming into our home. We found out at the end of July, and just went to the doctor for the first time last Monday. Our doctor is great, and says that everything looks good. We are just praying that things continue to go smoothly. I am feeling great. I haven't had any nausea, tiredness, or other pregnancy symptoms. So far, God has definately blessed this pregnancy.
Other than the baby news, nothing else has really changed. Our jobs are still going well. I'm getting more and more respect from my co-workers which is great. I feel like the more they see what I do, and the more that my patients talk to them about how much they love music therapy, the more that they are going to see the validity of my position. There have been a lot of changes recently as far as new staff, managers leaving, etc, but for the most part I think they changes have been positive.
Kent's job is going well again. He is also still training for the marathon in October. If anyone is interested in coming with me to watch him run it, let me know. The date is October 22, and it starts at 8am. He is excited to run it, and starting to get into his longer training runs these next few weeks.
We're also waiting for the birth of my little neice to be born. Shannon will be going into labor any day now, and I am definately excited to meet this new little one. I'm sure she will be adorable, and break all of our hearts.
So, I think that's is all of the udpates. We don't have any recent pictures, but I'm sure when my neice is born we'll be taking a few. We love you all, and hope things are going well with you guys. Keep us updated.