We have really enjoyed the hints of Spring finally being here. Now granted as I write this, we are expecting snow tomorrow, but still. A few weeks ago we decided to make a little trip to Target and get one of those cheap little kites for Alex to fly. We walked to the field close to our condo and showed him what to do. He loved watching the kite fly in the sky. When we handed it over to him, he just ran and ran and ran. Unfortunately, he ran right into the trees. No worries, he wasn't hurt, just a little muddy. The kite survived too. It was hard to get pictures of both him and the kite as he ran so fast and the kite was very high, but we tried.
I was on praise team this weekend at church, so Kent and Alex dropped me off yesterday at church for practice and then they headed to the Children's museum. They came back at 5pm for church so that this morning they could stay home and Alex wouldn't have a long morning at church. So this afternoon I get home around 1pm and it's time to lay Alex down for his nap. Kent opens his door and says, "Show mommy how your a big boy now!" Well, Alex has learned how to climb out of his crib, so Kent changed his crib into a toddler bed. He actually had climbed out once while I was at church and bonked his head on his toybox pretty hard. (He's got a big knot on his head.) So, we're now in the transition of using a toddler bed whether we like it or not. Alex is such a climber that it doesn't surprise us that he's learned to climb out, but we were hoping to keep him in his crib for a little longer. Oh well. At least our crib easily transitions and we don't have to go out and buy another bed for him. Enjoy the videos that Kent took! I think they speak for themselves. :)
I should add that it took about an hour to get him asleep for his nap. That was constant taking him back to his crib, over and over again. Tonight it took about 30 minutes to get him down for bed and just a few more trips returning him to bed. For now, it looks like he's asleep. We'll see how the night goes.