Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just another day in....

The Extreme heat! It has been so hot here that in some ways I feel like we might as well have snow on the ground. I know, I know, I shouldn't say that, but honestly, the parks are empty, it's too hot to be outside (even at 8am) and we have cabin fever! I'm hoping that it cools off in the next few days so we can get back to enjoying summer.

Alex has been taking a summer camp at a local park district. He is doing such a good job. He comes home every day and tells us about what he's doing and then his friends he played with. I'm pretty proud of him. Every other Friday he gets to go to the splash pad. He has been having so much fun. I can't wait to see him in preschool this fall.

Paige is toddling around like nobody's business. She is trying more and more to talk and repeat everything we say. Of course her favorite word right now is "mine." Alex gets quite upset whenever Paige says it. He doesn't understand why "she says that everything is her's." They are starting to play together more which is fun to see.

My 3 Day Walk for the Cure is coming up in just 2 weeks. My sister and I are looking forward to it. We're excited to be able to spend time together and talk without kids interrupting one another. We are praying that it isn't so hot like it has been this last week. If you want to come out and support us we'd love to see some familiar faces along the way. Here's the information:

I'll post again after the walk to let you know how it went. Thank you for everyone who has supported us.

Monday, July 04, 2011

A 4 yr old and a 1 yr old!!!!

I can't believe it, but we have a 4 year old and a 1 year old now! It's crazy how fast time goes by. Paige turned one at the end of March. She is starting to toddle around. She's still not walking 100% of the time as she's too much of a princess and doesn't want to get hurt. There are times that she will just turn and toddle across the whole room. She is walking more and more. Every day it seems like she starts saying more and more words. She will try to repeat anything we say and even more entertaining is when she signs the word and says it. She is too funny! She still thinks that her brother is the funniest person ever. She will repeat the silly sounds he makes and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Alex turned 4 at the beginning of April! I am still trying to wrap my mind around him being four years old! He is getting bigger and bigger every day. The more time that goes by, the more that we see him mature and be able to control his energy. He loves trains still and would ride the CTA all day if we'd let him. He is full of joy and of course energy! He finished his first year of preschool and had a blast with his friends and teachers. He talks all the time about riding the school bus and going to Kindergarten. I continue to tell him to slow down and eventually he will go to school. No matter what, he will always be my little boy.