Birthday Fun! Drinking whole milk! YUM!
Last "Corner of the Couch" picture
Birthday cake
Today is Alex's first birthday. It is so hard to believe that a year has already gone by. Our lives have definitely changed throughout the last year. It has been so much fun to see all of the changes that Alex gone through this last year. We have loved watching him see the world through "new eyes." If you're never watched a child explore new things, sit back and watch them. It is very entertaining.
My parents, Shannon & Chris (and Claire) and our friend Erin made it out for his party. We had a good time watching Claire and Alex play. Claire continues to grow and change every time that I see her. I think the new favorite word is "no," but it is still said in her cute and adorable way. She has learned so many new words. Just today she said "Pawpaw" for Grandpa. (Which he loved!)
Besides watching the kids play, we had lunch and of course cake. Alex dug right in. He's never been shy when it comes to food. In fact, I don't think he's ever met a food that he doesn't like, or won't eat. I put the cupcake on his tray, and he took a little bite, realized it was sweet, and then just continued digging in until there was nothing left on his tray. We've had to teach him to "clean his plate." I guess that's why he's such a big boy.
Alex was blessed with many cards and gifts from those who love him. He received some new clothes for spring and summer. (We're thinking that after today, spring MAY be here!) He also got some great books! He loves to turn the pages of his books and look at the pictures. He likes to read them too, but usually doesn't sit still long enough to make it through the whole book. :) We'll get there. He got a few toys too, which of course he loves!
After opening presents, and after a few naps for the kids, we took a short walk on the trail behind our condo! We were so thankful that it was such a beautiful day and we were able to get outside. Last year, it was snowing when Alex was born. :( Crazy how the weather can be in April. It was a great day!
We're so thankful for Alex and all the joy he brings to our lives. We're truly blessed to have him.
Happy Birthday to Alex! Sounds like a good birthday party. Hope all is well with all of you.
Aunt Vicky & Uncle John
Happy Birthday, Alex!!!! Great pictures... wish I could have enjoyed the cake too! :)
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